Wymondley Road School

Reporting to Parents

Reporting to Parents

Parents are welcome anytime during the year to email, phone or come in and speak to a teacher about their child’s progress. Akoranga (Learning) Conversations will be held and can be booked through Skool Loop. 

At the first conference, teachers will set goals with parents for their child. Each family is allocated 10 minutes to discuss their child’s goals and learning progress. At any other time, parents are asked to contact/visit their child’s teacher if they would like to discuss an issue, problem or concern.  After each Akoranga conversation, parents will receive information (goals, mid and end-of-year report, and presentation of work by their child).

Anniversary Reporting

Anniversary reporting for Junior students when they have been at school for 40, 80 and 120 weeks. You will be contacted by your class teacher and /or the Deputy principal for an interview time for a Learning conversation which will take place within the month of your child’s birthday. (These will replace Akoranga for your child).